Benny Scala

4 years ago

I have been an employee at Mid-Atlantic for 2 mont...

I have been an employee at Mid-Atlantic for 2 months...I am close to retirement age, and I wanted to do something I enjoyed...I had been in auto collections around 15 years ago, and worked for several companies, including a couple of sub-prime lenders...I'm not even sure why, but I have always enjoyed this type of work, and I feel that I am very good at it...to be honest, I blew off several interviews with MAF because of what I saw here...but, then I decided to accept an interview and see for myself...Right from jump, I was treated with courtesy, kindness and respect...I was offered a job on the spot, which I accepted...With the utmost honesty, I can say that absolutely nothing has changed from Day One...The managers here work hard and not only take care of their employees, they also do their very best to take care of their customers...I work very hard, every day, to find solutions for people who are unable to make their payments...my co-workers do as well...I start every phone conversation with 'Good morning (or afternoon) and call my customers ma'am or sir...Most of them respond in kind, and the majority of my transactions are positive...Yet, I have been cursed at, screamed at, and hung up on more times than I can count...I see the term 'harassed in many of these comments, and I have heard them as well...I try to relate to my customers by saying to them 'What if you lent me money, and I promised to pay you on the 1st of the month?...and I didn't show up on the first of the month, and didn't call you to explain why I didn't...Wouldn't you be calling me the next day to collect what you were owed?' Many see the logic, but some will still scream, curse, and hang up...Some might see this as a thankless job, but I gain a great deal of satisfaction from being able to assist thosepeople who earnestly seek out my help.

Have there been bad employees here? I am sure there have been...ame as any company...but as a Mid-Atlantic employee, I can emphatically state that this behavior is not tolerated...I LOVE the managers here, and for the most part, I love my customers as well...I won't engage in any debate with anyone here...I just felt obliged to post my own perspective now that I am an employee.


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