Earl Schmidt

3 years ago

Was an odd situation with an unexpected turn of ev...

Was an odd situation with an unexpected turn of events. Was my birthday party with probably 20+/- friends that are the most honest and trustworthy folks you will ever see. Was having a great time and then things went arwy with Chris (owner) and he accused one of my employees of stealing a bottle of wine and subsequently told me at the end of the ordeal our group stole four bottles. Was really bizarre as one friend was standing right there at the bar talking with people the whole time during his accusation. Anyway I did have a reasonable conversation with the owners wife, but in the end it was like the Chris was bi-polar and just became a huge ass and then told us to leave. Needless to say my b-day party turned into a sour note all because Chris ruined the fun. I see tons of great reviews and he was nice to my wife initially setting up the function, but then walla,,,, turned on her and told me she was "a piece of work" and to avoid confrontation in an already tense situation I let it go.
Bottom line,,,, although there are good reviews, just be careful as the owner obviously can become an incredible jerk and make many unwarranted accusations.


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