Sandie Beddard

3 years ago

The worse experience I have ever had. I was in th...

The worse experience I have ever had. I was in the midst of passing a horrible Kidney Stone 4 days ago. I was left in a hallway for almost an hour, just to be left in a room for almost another hour. I was in unbearable pain and vomiting. Thank goodness I had the throw up bag from the ambulance, for nobody came in the room and I am sure someone could hear the uncontrollable nausea due to all of the pain. I had a nurses aide come in the room and tell me to get control of myself and to sit up correct on the bed.....I was on my knees in a fetal position was the only possible position for any relief since I had still not been given anything for pain. I watched several techs and nurses just on their cell phones. No cares in the world about the extreme pain someone was having. I guess they were all dull to patient needs or concerns. The doctor that finally came in was very nice and seemed sympathetic, but the two nurses that would repeatedly administer pain meds being ordered and given, did not put on gloves. I guess because the IV needle was already in, they did not find that necessary. I got the feeling that some of these people involved thought I was searching for drugs instead of relief from a medical condition. I had explained that I already knew I had a kidney stone brewing and had pain meds with me that I had tried to take, but had waited too late and the pain got ahead of me. I was out of town and alone at this hospital for almost 5 hours before my husband was notified and was able to get through to see what was going on and then make the drive to be with me. He tried several times of calling, but could not get through or someone to give status to my condition. At the end, a very nice male doctor came in.....I am assuming was an Urologist and also a very nice male nurse. I work with patients everyday for I am in the dental field and have seen patients that were in pain, afraid or just needed someone to care. I could have never acted so uncompassionate about another human being. I can assure you, I wouldn t have a job if I had. I was in a hospital alone and in unbearable pain over something I had no control over. It is worse than child birth and that would be without an epidural. I hope none of the people involved with my experience ever have a Kidney Stone and if they do, I hope they are not left to just be patient with the pain, alone and have someone to tell them to get control of yourself and sit up straight in a bed. Now I will be left with the exorbitant bill for this experience. I have had one other Kidney Stone that put me in the ER two times and both visits at my local hospital were efficient, compassionate, and successful in patient care.


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