
cap torres

4 years ago

Dec 1 of 2018 my small town of Taylorville Il was ...

Dec 1 of 2018 my small town of Taylorville Il was hit by a ef3 Tornado....I own a used car dealership which west bend mutual carries my inventory coverage and commercial building policy at a premium cost...we were lucky and not hit head on....but we got the HAIL from the tornado....I've been told by Tricia B there so called adjuster on my inventory that there first offer is the best offer and I cant have a say in what is turned into claim? I cant use my other coverage of 50k either that I've paid on for 3 years since it was down the street at old business from 2 years ago that they were suppose to combine with main location when we closed..ive paid the premium for the whole 2 years not knowing and now there saying I'm underinsured and want to pay me 68% of my policy coverage minus 109 deductibles of 500 a car? How is this? Why? I thought insurance was suppose to be there when this happens...not treat people like ther nothing...Now that I want to review my inventory and not except offer they want me to show every receipt for all inventory owned before they settle? Why? Why? They have put my family through mental anguish during Christmas with 4 kids at home and me being sole provider. THIS IS THE MOST DEPRESSING THING I'VE EVER BEEN THROUGH...being the sole provider and owning all my inventory and owning my building at 33 years old and they just forget about the 8k premium I pay on time yearly
I built my business from nothing and needless to say have over 100 cars with
Hail damage and some building damage..There adjuster has basically made me feel like in a crook.they sent a adjuster to inspect my inventory which was a joke from a company named claim solutions and deemed my whole dealership "total loss" after only looking at 9 vehicles out of 109....? I feel betrayed by this company they put me out of business for 3 weeks after storm..right before Christmas with still no compensation that's worth excepting made me wait out of business for a offer of 30k to fix 100 cars ? Ya right I can fix 15 cars maybe and told me that's all I we ever get because were underinsured...I have 200k in coverage which 50k is at another location in town and they will only acknowledge 150k in coverage..I have 220k in inventory but now im deemend under insured because they wont acknowledge ALL MY COVERAGE t.I've felt like they intentionally make me wait while being out of business for 2.5 weeks for a settlement that's a insult to me...my company....and my family...people if you care about your assets, family, your pride then run they have ruined my business, my 4 employees are unemployed, my family had nothing basically for Christmas, and no one really seems to care about the small business owner that has paid his premiums on time with no claims ever. 4 years never late..and 5 other dealerships NEW CAR DEALERS WERE HIT WITH SAME HAIL..it has now been 33 days since tornado came thru my town and needless to say nothing...no agent to see if were ok....no courtesy calls to check on my family around xmas...ide rather sale hail damaged inventory then ever ACCEPT what there offer....merry xmas West Bend Mutual hope your happy with your values you set forth to us small hard working people that dont have much as it is and then depend on you when a act of god occurs...BE ADVISED PEOPLE IVE LOST 200K IN VALUE IN THIS STORM AND HAVE NOT SO MUCH GOT A CHECK UP OR VISIT FROM WEST BEND MUTUAL....GOD BLESS PEOPLE



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