Seo Sem

4 years ago

All you need to do to pass your classes at C W Pos...

All you need to do to pass your classes at C W Post Long Island Campus is to blackmail your professors by talking to the dean or the chairperson (more effective both). Students can make stuff up and create a fake list of character defects and the dean will belive you. I have been in several classes and I have seen several students getting together in facebook or in person to pick apart some professors that are good, but the professor(s) wont give them a higher grade. What is amazing is that the Dean and shareperson(s) are so terrify of the students drooping out the $5000 per-class school that they will do anything to keep the students happy.

The bulling of professors doesn't even need to be a group effort (mobbing). One single student can get a professor fired. In one occasion this one student was cheating in her exam (she had access to the professor's key test exams because she was working at the school), made up horrible lies and accusations about a professor not teaching well or doing his job correctly (as she would like). Three us went to tell the share person that she was just crazy and lying that we loved our professor. Then the professor couldn't accused her of cheating because the professor was threaten by the office that he will lose his job. He gave her a B because she demanded it; her actual grade was F.

Even the lazy students who only play on their laptops and/or don't come to class get good grades--especially those with with big pockets--the dean will ask professors to "PASS THEM." One professor (can't mention the department), was asked to pass several student of his who got an F. When he said no, they fired him.

So Yeah, if you only want the degree and not have to study or learn anything. This is the school for you. Always high grades and the students have 100% power. You can bully professors and/or threaten them; this is not a big deal to the dean or the school. Is common practice.

Don't believe me? Look at the language E Loiterman uses below this comment:

"I WAS a pain in the butt towards my instructors for some good reason ....I demanded feedback... and I got it!."

Side note: You asked help to your professors; you don't demand--- entitlement and disrespect that is the culture at CW POST. Enjoy!


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