4 years ago

My father fell and was admitted to Hollywood Presb...

My father fell and was admitted to Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center for emergency brain surgery to remove a blood clot in his brain. The care he received was unbelievably favorable beyond our expectations. The nursing staff was excellent. Who was amazing was the neurosurgeon, JOUNG H. LEE, M.D. I have never had a doctor give me his cell phone number to call at any time, and actually answer when I did. Dr. Lee did not talk down to us with unfamiliar medical terminology. He spoke to us in plain English in a manner that we could all understand which was very comforting during a very stressful time. Not only did my father have a great outcome, the care he received from Dr. Lee was beyond my family's expectation. My father spent a total of three weeks at Hollywood Presbyterian. Although it's never fun to be in a hospital, the staff and Dr. Lee made it a very favorable experience for my father and our family who visited him daily. Thank you Dr. Lee and Hollywood Presbyterian.


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