Candice Walker

4 years ago

Speaking from a parent's point of view...I encount...

Speaking from a parent's point of view...I encountered something very horrible while visiting the park on Aug 26, 2017 So naturally when you have children and it's just you and your children, your first instinct when riding water slides is you, the parent, go down first to ensure everyone makes it down safely and out of the water especially for those who yes have on a floating device as well as being a young age. So my daughter had her swim cap on, wore it from the time we entered til done at the park, we rode one of the tube water slides first time no problem. A little while later we ride again. I, as the parent, go down first because it was just my children and myself at that time. I get down the slide waiting for my daughter to come down the slide. I saw my son come down (mind you him and her should have came down together) and I'm like where is your sister? So I'm watching because she should have been right behind me but NO, I see another little girl come down. So by that time I'm freaking out!!! Come to find out from a little boy that was listening to me screaming and asking where my daughter was, the life guard wouldn't let her go down the slide because of her swimming cap!! Now I have a problem with that because she is only 5 yrs old and for me to be waiting in line with her talking to her and prepping her what to do, I wasn't expecting to be looking for my 5 yr old in this huge freaking park because the life guard didn't have the audacity to let me know first of all that it couldn't be worn (who knew)?? And secondly my child who's 5 yrs old was lost and scared!!! Now I'm lookin for answers because that shouldn't have NEVER happened!!! I'm going to find answers and whoever came up with the bright idea that swim caps can't be worn on water rides is ridiculous!!! It's a freaking water park for goodness sake!!! When I have a valid reason as to why then I MAY be ok with that answer but I doubt it!! But until then I am one fired up parent because nobody should be looking for their child after a ride when they were right behind them in line!!! Especially younger children! As a parent this was/is a fear that came true to a certain extent... no parent EVER should have to wonder where their child is ESPECIALLY when they were right behind them in line!!! That unknown moment took me to a place where I didn't want to be! I know that the park isn't there to keep an eye on children families or what have you but when you are a parent and you know what you are doing and did the best thing possible for your children just to be led on a wild goose chase looking for your 5 yr old daughter was UNACCEPTABLE! Please be aware that I am on a hunt to find out why swimming caps aren't allowed on "some" water slides because I don't ever want that to happen to anybody else!!! Just UNACCEPTABLE!! Outcome: by the time we found my daughter she was scared and crying and wouldn't leave my side throughout the duration of the park visit. While speaking with management nothing they said or could have said could justify what happened to us that day! Just UNACCEPTABLE is the best way I can put that!!! PARENTS if you have small children and they are WEARING SWIMMING CAPS be aware!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE I would hate for something worse off to happen because of something simple as that! We went to have a good time but that all changed in a matter of seconds! Looks like whoever decides/comes up with these rules should take another look because if it were you you wouldn't want that to happen! One thing is for sure they played with the wrong parent and children because I don't play that! My children are my world and my heart and seeing what happened that day put an even more perspective and precaution for myself. If I can help it I'm going to find answers and I'm going to make sure that that NEVER happens again, for myself and others!! Just UNACCEPTABLE POINT BLANK PERIOD!


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