3 years ago

Our cat was very sick, throwing up, not eatting or...

Our cat was very sick, throwing up, not eatting or drinking, not going to the restroom and would hide away. Hes 6 months and is typically very social and hungry. We took him in to WestVet because they were close by and open at 8:30 PM. We arrived and they got us in a room quickly. He had his vitals checked and said the doctor would be in after she was done with the 3 other people infront of us. We sat in the room for about an hour till the doctor came in and talked to us shortly. He ended up having Xrays done and that took about 45 minutes with no updates. The doctor explained what they thought the problem was but didnt offer anything to really help with the problem. Only a shot for nausea and masking the sickness for 24 hours. He was having some severe bowel problems and couldnt relieve himself. The next day we went to Ada Vet and they explained the problem a bit more and gave him some medications there to help make him go and tested it for parasites. Obviously we knew that the emergency vet would be expensive and that was fine if we would have gotten more answers. Ada vet was 3 times cheaper and they helped him relieve himself and feel much better. For the price we paid at WestVet i know it wasnt worth it. The best thing about this place was the friendliness of all of the staff. But between not getting direct answers, the incredible 4 hour wait time from start to finish and just hiding our kittens pain amd sickness for a day, it was worth it.


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