4 years ago

New software developers beware! There is a new CI...

New software developers beware! There is a new CIO who's stuck in the 90s. He has no sense of the sophistication of current-day languages and software development tools. And although he claims to have experience in software development, with his own company more than a decade ago, he seems to lack a sense of what it takes to develop enterprise-level web applications that incorporate features that are now standard in 2015. And he seems to not have a sense of the systems and processes that should be in place, and how to best implement them, in order to establish an environment that promotes rapid development. He has a tendency to put the cart-before-the-horse with an adolescent-like eagerness that overrides reason and the need for due diligence. In all likelihood you will become frustrated with his soft leadership and archaic knowledge that equates to incompetence when applied to a new reality 10+ years removed.


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