Angel Pickering

4 years ago

My Dr and your nurses were perfect!

My Dr and your nurses were perfect!
Angel and Brandi- the discharge women were heartless, not compassionate and spoke opposite of every word my surgeon told me. They stood over me, as I was throwing up telling me if I stayed, insurance would not pay. My surgeon had just said we have to get this vomiting under control as well as the fever, which was up and down.
I started having anxiety attack, she yanked the vomit bucket out from under me (pulling tape and stitches out too) pain was terrible. I know from working in med field that you don't HAVE to leave in 2 days, especially after head surgery. Also, I was not to stand and I was going home alone.
My nurse and surgeon got another night so the could work on more nights. Surgeon came in and said IF you feel up to it you can leave after supper, of you're vomiting, stay. (No meds would stay down and pressure on temple was awful)
At 9:05 a.m., I got kicked out by discharge women.
Nurse had just given me clean bucket, again the discharge lady pulled it from under me saying "it's OK".
If they would've asked, they would've know since March I haven't been able to eat. I'm throwing up bile only which doesn't come in large amounts.
I left after they packed and got me out, came home, dizzy, vomited, fell, hit my head(surgery side x3)
Which is the repeat of PT that qualified me to leave.
We have double insurance, don't owe you a cent. Newly stitched up head, non working right side, (last time you forced me out..I had a stroke at home alone that night), being yelled at,Angel then Brandi taking turns, me suffering from anxiety and PTSD. First time it happened (prior visit) I excused as bad day for them. Now it's a pattern of abuse.


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