Niaz Nafea

4 years ago

Location: 5/5. Ocean view on the west, mountains o...

Location: 5/5. Ocean view on the west, mountains on the east, park in the middle, desert to the southeast, forest to the north.
Weather: 5/5. Unless you like snow.
Dorms: 4/5, if you get them. It's college, not a hotel. Housing is good for a college. Housing is poor for a normal human life.
Food: 2/5. Suck it up freshman year, then plan to get food from the many surrounding markets afterwards.
Education: 5/5. Make the most of the many award-winning professors.
Research: 5/5. As with education, surely this depends on the field you're studying.
Social life: 5/5. If you couldn't find social life within a year of being here, you probably didn't care enough to try.
Art: 5/5. There's a house on an engineering building, a lookout point at the southwest corner, a bear by the engineering quad, multiple statues and sculptures around, and "Violet V forms" which I honestly don't understand but hey, it's art.
Parking/transportation: TBD. They're constantly revamping. Maybe they'll find a way.

Your college experience may vary.


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