Amanda Higson

4 years ago



I am not actually involved with the Mavericks, I train before them three times a week. During training, there's nothing that I worry about more than the end. Not because I don't want to leave, but because I can't stand the idea of having to interact with the Mavericks children, even if it's just for a few minutes. I have yet to encounter a mavericks (athlete) that isn't rude, boisterous, or simply unpleasant. They shout on the pool deck, throw water polo balls into the ball while we are in it, and push each other on the pool deck making it uncomfortable for me to walk passed them. Of course, this is when im lucky enough when they are already on the pool deck. The changerooms are a different scenario: maybe because of the lack of supervision, all of their aforementioned behaviours are made worse. This isn't just the case for me in the womens changeroom either, my male friends inform me that the boys yell expletives and throw things such as pieces of fruit or anything else they manage to find in their bags.


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