3 years ago

This is one of the most unprofessional companies I...

This is one of the most unprofessional companies I have ever had the displeasure to deal with. I do not think this company has any idea how to follow the RTB rules of British Columbia, either that or they operate with the intention of totally disregarding the very specific rules and laws set out by the province in hopes that tenants/landlords will not know the tenancy laws so they can get away with it. They will basically take anybody as a tenant and do the bare minimum checks just to fill the space so they can collect their finder's fee and leave you with a sketchy tenant that ultimately you have to deal with yourself or pay them even more money to get rid the bad tenant they placed in your home for you. Their customer service is horrible. Their team seems to just pass off jobs to one another at random and you end up dealing with 100 different people to get a simple answer to anything. If you try to bring up any mistakes they made, you will be confronted with a series of rude, unprofessional responses. The only thing they are sufficient at is taking your money and doing the bare minimum. Dealing with Unique Accommodations is dealing with a bunch of cowboys on a trip back to the Wild West- I do not recommend.


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