4 years ago


I arrive a this dealership and receive help 10 min after being there. I am told for a pre qualified pre-owned vehicle I was looking at a 600$ payment for a car costing 44,000. I had strictly told the guy helping me out I came to look at these cars to have an idea of what I would want, not to buy a car today or run my credit at all strictly just looking. So we go for a test drive, everything was good at first then the guy says let s go inside to see what s the offer on this car and strictly said and I quote don t worry bro we won t run your credit . I was happy to hear that because I didn t want to and I made it clear once again as we re walking you re not going to run my credit because I don t want it ran at all today and he responds no bro I m not going at all. I sit down I give them my email and number seemed okay then he hands me a credit application and I didn t sign it, he comes back and tells me to sign it at this time I m a little confused so I asked again you re not going to run my credit right because that s not what I want to do and his response once again no no I m not bro. (Supposedly just creating a file) he leaves and another guy comes (different guy) and says we ran your credit we would need 25,000 down payment, I m looking at this guy like he s insane, he also told me I have no credit but I know I do because I have two cars under my never missed a payment or anything and of course a couple of credit cards and Etc. FIRST I m mad now because I strictly made it clear more then ONCE that I didn t want them to and the guy starts coming at me strongly saying he had to. I told him to call the guy that helped me at first and he was no where to be found they called his phone he didn t answer. He finally comes and tells me yea they ran your credit and I why when you knew I didn t want that and made it CLEAR not to and his response was we had to I told them it was ok and I told him why he could ve DOUBLE CHECKED with me if one knew I didn t want my credit ran and HE told me as well nah bro they won t run it I got you then he goes on to compare me to a 7year old, he says of course we ran your credit you I looked at you and if you were a 7year old they won t run your credit . How is this guy going to compare me to a 7 year old. At the end they were being really really aggressive towards me and left now I have a hard inquiry on my credit history which is bad and I am completely disappointed and will never go back.


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