Raminder Chohan

3 years ago

I nearly lost my dad because of WARD 1!

I nearly lost my dad because of WARD 1!
They pumped him up with meds, told my mum and brothers not to come and visit him otherwise he wouldn t settle down God knows what they did to him. He couldn t walk, talk, eat, eyes remained shut. They sent him like that in a stretcher and ambulance back to lilac ward in tolworth instead of sending him to hospital where he should have been taken ASAP. They didn t even inform my mum that they had sent him to another ward until the next day and That was only because she called to see how he was. My mum went to see him she immediately sounded the alarm because he was hunched over eyes closed and couldn t breath properly and he was sent to Kingston Hospital emergency where he stayed for a while. I caught a flight all the way from America and when I saw the condition my dad was in I just couldn t stop crying. The Kingston hospital doctors who took care of him (not in the mental facility anymore) said that the ward one doctor had given him a pill that caused medically induced Parkinsonism, that was why he wouldn t walk, talk, and eat. They put a feeding tube in through his nose and his vital signs were all so bad. He was an elderly patient and they gave him too high a dose which didn t suit him due to his age and they didn t check any of these procautions before administering such a lethal dose. He had lost so much weight and was just bones, the Kingston hospital staff said that he hadn t eaten in weeks yet the mental health staff at ward one including the doctor told us they saw him eating regularly LIES. Thanks to the Kingston hospital staff and by Gods grace I got my dad back. The hospital doctors gave him a reversal pill for the high dose of poison that ward one was feeding my dad. I ve never prayed so hard in my life. We filed complaints with the NHS and with other management but they all just cover each other up, they don t care. I forgive those who did this because I can t keep hate in my heart and let it consume me but I beg that they learn from this mistake and never do this again to anyone s loved one. The lack on insincerity and inhumanity in my dads case was appalling. Mental health needs to be funded more and taken seriously. Instead they have these doctors who don t care and unqualified nurses running around acting like bouncers in a nightclub and not qualified enough to handle sensitive mental health patients. I have to thank the staff at lilac ward as they helped my mum contact emergency. Ward one saw that my dad was basically nearly dying, sis nothing and they quietly over night just shoved my dad in an ambulance and sent him to Lilac ward for them to deal with it as they didn t want to get blamed! Ward one staff and doctors, you are cruel people and I regret leaving my precious loved one in your care. My dad isn t the same ever since ward one. He has lost his personality. Doesn t smile, laugh, talk much anymore. He s not the same person. It s so sad to see him like this. It s like he s a zombie I have no clue what the hell they did to him over there. I miss how my dad used to be before, full of life and making everyone laugh. He isn t the same but I m just glad to have him alive and with me so I can take care of him.


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