Mystery Man

4 years ago

First off, I worked for a company that put out fak...

First off, I worked for a company that put out fake reviews by the competition. Companies have entire teams dedicated to this. There are several coding schools in the area. So, there is absolutely reason to believe his competition might be leaving these reviews.

Secondly, I am in his Java class and just finished SQL. Never once, have I seen his wife act anything, but sweet. I did learn about his family which I found to be lovely. He has always been helpful, accommodating, and wants others to truly succeed based on the most in-demand technical skill sets in the workplace.

Now, I will say based on his background that he values hard work. He is most helpful to the people that put in the hardest work. He also, hires professors that do the same. This includes going out of your way to ask questions, answer questions, do the reading, finish your homework and have thought provoking questions to bring BEFORE class. He also, shows up at the networking events to help you get a job. So, with a little elbow grease and hard work you get everything you earned.

Third, I went to Syracuse and got a B.S. in finance and small business management with a minor in economics. I started my own business living in a van that ultimately made 3k a day. I lived the dream and traded on the desk of a professional hedge fund next to real Wall St. professional veterans with unlimited capital and an ongoing 17 year relationship with Goldman Sachs. Do you think anyone cares?

The answer sadly is no. Degrees have been ever saturating the market. However, now that I'm taking SQL, NoSQL, and Java and put it on my LinkedIn I'm getting calls from all over. Companies want in demand technical skills. Michael offers these at a very affordable rate, works with the state to get people even more opportunity and hires some of the most interesting professors that like Mike also, expect you to earn it.

Just to get a little more flavor: My professor has his MBA from UT, and has been a professional programmer for 25+ years. The guy sitting next to me wrote the code for major financial institutions across the world. Some real smart people that have earned their place in the world work here.

"Mediocrity is contagious" -Robert A.


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