Cerissa Gradeck

3 years ago

I am new to the base my son is part of the EFMP du...

I am new to the base my son is part of the EFMP due to getting croup he has breathing issues and we end up in the ER a lot. well this time he had a fall so I brought him in to the ER for the first time since we just moved here his nose wouldn't stop bleeding and due to him having breathing issues I thought it would be best to bring him in. well when I got there the place was packed with people. The lady at the desk asked why I was there I told her my son suffers from breathing issues he had a fall on the stairs and his nose is bleeding, I want to have him looked at just in case. She brings me to the registration and they give him his bracelet. I sit down and wait our name doesn't get called for vitals or anything and I ask the person next to me if they have been here a while they say yes.

so I wait some more well I have two of my other kids with me cause my husband is deployed so I get up and ask the lady how long the wait is and will it be a while cause his nose stop bleeding at this point she says honey u are going to be here a long time haven't they taken your vitals? cause I don't even see u on the list. well no they haven't I said she says well yeah u are going to be a while if I were u I would bring him back if he has trouble breathing. So I left because I can't afford to sit there all night with 3 kids who have school the next day. let's just go home he when he has BREATHING isssue when that's what he's on EMFP for but okay. so as I'm walking out a lady tells me she's been there for 5 hours and still hasn't been called. So this experience has me thinking what will happen when my son has an attack he gets croup and can't breath will we have to sit there for 5 hours and possibly stop breathing......so I would say my first experience has not been a good one. This place needs to have a pediatric department for there ER and an Adult ER and turning away people is not how a business should be ran especially EFMP patients.


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