James Grandstaff

3 years ago

I like visiting downtown areas across Nebraska, so...

I like visiting downtown areas across Nebraska, so when I saw this place, I decided to take a look, as I always like a good opportunity to get new ideas for my home.

The store is located in a good corner spot, nice visibility. Upon entering, I quickly noticed that many items are all the same shade of dismal grey. There were some items in a few other colors, but the same wave of, dull dreary color was everywhere. A few of the soap varieties were nice. Looking at the housewares, there was not much I would use in my home. I gained my practical side from my mother, which means that I prefer my decor to be items that can be used, not to sit forever gathering dust while attempting to look pretty.

After a short bit browsing, I noticed a woman making candles, so I went to take a look. I commented that I had not seen the candle making process before, but she did not seem too keen on engaging with me. She mentioned something about the two candle types, but not much else. As I was walking away, I clearly said thank you, but she did not deem me fit for a response.

In all, I gained little from this visit. The colors were lackluster, with the service being underwhelming. If this is all they can offer the locals, I know of many better places to shop to give me far better inspiration, with much improved customer service.

Edit: So I am not allowed to leave a review on why I do not like a store? Why are you so intent on attempting to disallow a dissenting opinion? I visited your store, so I have every right to voice what I think and how I feel about it. Other reviews I made on different businesses have been belittled before. All it serves to do is make me mad, because you have the audacity to belittle me when I give an honest review about your business.

When you open a business to the public, you take everything, good and bad. I can see you have the small-town mindset of thinking you can bully people into saying what you want. Well, guess what? I am an experienced reviewer on multiple social media platforms, so this is far from my first rodeo. My criticism is constructive, take it as a means to improve, instead of bashing anything you do not like. There is too much of that in society already, you do not need to add to it.

As you cannot remove it, this review will remain as a testament to your poor treatment of me.


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