3 years ago

I USED to live this hospital but my last experienc...

I USED to live this hospital but my last experience in the ER was a nightmare. I injured my upper back and was in excruciating pain..so much so I could barely walk and had trouble breathing. Upon arrival the nurses were rude and another patient took my information to front desk...In spite of my conddition I was left sitting 1hr45 min..once inside the unit I was shuffled to another waiting room..when I asked for water I was told I could not have any until I saw dr..even though I did not have a head injury or need surgery..the cubical was freezing.I was left there..dehydrated and freezing no blanket and no nurse came to check on me for anothr +hour..struggling to breath..crying in pain and squirming It was only after a horrific wave of spasms that left me groaning in tears that a nurse came in. She didnt offer any assistance just kept asking me if anyone came with me as im gripping the gurney gasping in agony..I finally mustered enough air and energy to bark..No! Im struggling to breath and having a spasm! Im frezzing pkease get me a blanket.. she came back and tossed it at the foot of gurney...a few minutes later a dr came in..He began interrogating me.about my injury as if I was making up my back pain...same questions overn over then twisting what I said..I asked why he was continueing to adk the same questions instead of taking a look at me and he barked it was his job..I expressed my exasperation that they had made me wait over three hours in this condition and he sarcastically jided he had been there 5 minutes ..as if he had suffered worse than me ..at that point I said...after three hours of hell I would rather call my daughter..go home take more muscle relaxants..a few pain killers and ride it out till morning and go see my dr..and get xrayed..it was only then that he suggested I let him take a look at me.! they are rude..unprofessional and so uncaring...I left immediately..Took meds and wient to emergicare where I was seen in 15 min and sent for exrays..Never again st Francis..YOUR MEDICAL CARE STINKS!!!


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