3 years ago

It's really sad to have to explain to another grow...

It's really sad to have to explain to another grown person, specifically another woman, with a fully functional reproductive system and brain, why abortions are time sensitive.

12/18: Called to gather standard info: cost, availability, insurance acceptance. Spoke to a person who made it clear that the person who deals with pricing, wasn't in yet but would be in by 11:30am and that she'd call me back once in.

*Time sensitive issue, right? So I called back at 1pm. I know I'm not the only one looking for info and I don't want my message to slip through...Spoke to someone who said the person who deals with pricing is there and she'll take my info (and pass it along) so that they can determine what amount I'll be responsible for. She puts me on mute as she conveyed my insurance details to another, unnamed individual.

SB: I'm fully aware of how deductibles and contracted amounts work, so I was asking because I wanted them (FWHC) to see my benefits, amount applied to my deductible, the maximum allowed by the contract between them and my insurance Co. and ultimately confirm my monetary responsibility.

This young lady returns to the phone multiple times (because she didn't know that you need the primary's dob, or birthday) to gather more info and finally tells me "oh yeah, you're covered, just come in." I said, "I have a deductible that's not yet been met, so how does that work because I'm also not working, will you bill me?" She says, and I quote verbatim, "I asked the lady, she's the one who does it and she said it's 100% covered on your plan." Disgusted by their level of IGNORANCE, I plead for her to double-check because I live very far and if they will end up asking me for hundreds of dollars on the day of the procedure, I clearly won't be able to get it done and would have wasted time. She reiterates how covered the procedure is and I schedule an appointment thinking, there's a possibility they're right and maybe they just do things differently than I'm familiar with.
The norm being: you check to see if a patient's deductible has been met BEFORE you confirm 100% coverage of any services to be rendered.

12/19: I call back to try to speak with someone else, maybe the actual person responsible for my potential wasted visit (to come). I instead get a person who tells me that "the person who handles that isn't in yet but will be in at 10:30am." The same story I got yesterday. I leave a message for this person, again. This person doesn't call back, again. I call back, again. Only to now be told, wait for it... "that person wasn't in yesterday and won't be in today either." Soooo, who was acting on her/his behalf when I got that bogus information yesterday? I express the reason for my concern (nevermind the negative comments posted that reflect a similar experience of being mislead and then turned away on the actual appointment day). Only to be told, they can't do anything and this person, only this one, unreliable absentee can clarify.

I tried to give these people a fair opportunity not to be overshadowed by all the negative comments noted about them. I tried to have my own experience before judging them based on someone else's and I see I've only wasted my time.

Increase the amount of well educated, medical terminology familiar, individuals employed. Train at least one other person, a reliable one, to look up insurance benefits. You can teach a ten year old to do that so it's really an option for you and would make the world of difference to your operations or the lack thereof.

We're woman seeking abortions, not mindless cattle who are willing to accept anything we're told because we're in a bind.

"Feminist"? You? No way!


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