Lorella Togliani

3 years ago

From the first loggia of the Chiostro del Bramante...

From the first loggia of the Chiostro del Bramante, accessing from the Sala delle Sibille, you can see the extraordinary fresco "Le Sibille" painted by Raphael around 1515 located inside the Basilica of Santa Maria della Pace. Painted with perfect symmetry around the arch overlooking the entrance to the second Chigi chapel, the four Sibyls Cumana, Persiana, Frigia and Tiburtina, are represented by young girls, with the exception of the last one, the elderly Sibilla Cumana.
Next to them Raphael places Virgil's verses which refer to a new lineage that "descends from the heights of heaven", to reaffirm the prophecy of the advent of Jesus.


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