Mohamed Khaadi

3 years ago

If you are a person of a different nationality I w...

If you are a person of a different nationality I would not suggest having a wedding or a wedding reception at this place. This is the third wedding/reception that I have seen the guests and even my own sister get treated with the upmost disrespect.
The first event I went to was my own sisters wedding reception. Throughout the event we had security and management disrespecting all guests wait in the hallways to take pictures and what not with family. After a while they told people that they were not allowed inside the event center and the time was 12 am. Still 2 hours left into the event and half of the guests weren't allowed back in by security and management. To top things off, there was a man who was being disrespectful towards our guests who we asked security to remove but they failed at attempting to remove the man or even trying to communicate with him. The man then continued to cause a scene so we had to escort him out. Keep in mind security is still not helping any of us escort the man out. As soon as we manage to escort the man out of the wedding he started attackig guests and had to be apprehended by the cops that we had called. The time by now is around 1:15 and as we finally returned to the party management told us it was time to shut down because of the incident. Keep in mind that they failed to help us prevent this.
The Second event I went to was to go support a friend of mine who was attending the wedding. This wedding was the same as I saw before. The management doing a poor job of treating the wedding guests with respect.
The third event is the biggest reason I'm writing this review now as to all of the other times I could've written this. I saw them closing the doors and treating the bride and groom with disrespect. Keep in mind this is the bride and the groom. What I noticed was there were two weddings going on this night. One a Muslim wedding, and one a Caucasian wedding. The Muslim wedding having people of many different color, the Caucasian having people of mainly the one color. As I sat in the hallway waiting for the main parts of the wedding to start I noticed the amount of disrespect that the guests of the Muslim wedding were receiving. I saw security and management yelling at people who were looking for which event room the wedding was being held in. I heard them say multiple times that if you're not in the room of the wedding you're going to be asked to leave. When simply some people were just looking to use the bathroom or get some air from the event. What I also noticed was the people of the other wedding event were allowed to walk around feely and not be talked to at all or told any type of warnings. Towards the end of the wedding it is tradition for the bride and groom to leave before the rest of the guests but because they were forced to leave at 1:40 they were forced to walk out with the guests. When it is guaranteed that they are allowed to stay till 2. As we are walking out we are noticing the security guards starting to use aggression towards kicking most people out. They started flickering the switches on their lights and flashing it towards people to get them to leave as they are walking to their cars. Not necessary at all. The part that got to me the most was seeing a group of old ladies in their car trying to drive away and seeing the security guard come towards their car and flicking his flashlight until they drove away. They then started flashing the lights in other people's cars as they were driving away which was also one of the most unnecessary things as people were just trying to leave the event center.
As I said, if you are a person of different color I would suggest not having your wedding here. You'll be treated with respect up until the day of the wedding. Then you'll experience the most disrespect on a day that's supposed filled with nothing but happiness. I hear the Hilton is a great place to have a wedding though. My other sister enjoyed the staff, management, and the food that was served.
All respect to the servers that night tho, thanks for showing respect.


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