
jennifer anderson

4 years ago

I have been to this ER several times with Family, ...

I have been to this ER several times with Family, my daughter and myself... Never had an issue until the last 2 times I have been there. Both visits due to my gallstone. Both times have been scanned and ultrasound'd(if that's a word). All for them to give me pain meds and tell me it needs to come out...Last time I checked I was at a hospital... So why no take it out while i was there and in extreme pain???? Well I can tell you why cause I have no Insurance. General Surgeon told me due to not having insurance and not seeing any inflammation that is was an Elective surgery... Gave me pain meds and sent me on my way. WHY on earth would you tell someone it needs to come out and NOT take it out.... Since I have been in such extreme pain that most nights I cannot sleep! It is awful but I do not have the cash up front to pay for a Surgery like that! I have NEVER had any problems with this hospital until now. The doctor whom saw me this last time said UMMMM and LIKE about 50 times per sentence when trying to speak to me and said I might have better luck at Brackenridge.... To me that is so not who you get people to come back by telling them to go elsewhere! If a doctor says it needs to come out and you are at a hospital then TAKE IT OUT.... I never filled the pain meds. Shredded the RX cause that is like putting a bandaid on a bullet hole... Only help temporary but doesn't solve the problem...


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