4 years ago

Fri July 31/2020

Fri July 31/2020
Non compliance of Covid 19 protocols

We did not sit in the waiting room chairs because they were not being wiped down between each person. When we were called into the patient room I asked if the chairs in there were wiped and the girl responded "No we don't have time." Despite the "Ways to stop the Spread of Covid 19" poster on the wall. I pulled out my own wipes and cleaned the chair and the 'bed' the patient sits on. I was so discussed that I took a photo. I will attach it.

After waiting and watching people who arrived before us leave we decided we were just going to go. I was grossed out with every passing minute. The reception said I have to let the doctor know that I am going to leave and coincidentally he was able to see my daughter.

I expressed my disappointment to the doctor and he advised that's not his job and has to do with management. He did end up calling me at home later that evening to say he spoke to management about the issue. If you notice this Centre is still in this condition call City of Markham By law to report non compliance of Covid 19 protocols.

Re response from owner below:
Please take the time to read my review. All the details are noted above. As stated, I spoke directly with the doctor and he called my house last night so he has my contact information. I will not be providing my personal information on this forum. Do your due diligence. If you really want to contact me, speak to your staff that were working on the date this review was posted.


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