Diana Rodriguez

3 years ago

I went to Dr. Klein because a neuro-opthalmologist...

I went to Dr. Klein because a neuro-opthalmologist at Johns Hopkins referred me to an epileptologist, but encouraged me to see a neurologist locally as well, since getting an appointment at Johns Hopkins can take some time. My symptoms seemed to indicate a simple partial seizure (gripping of the muscles around my eyes and mouth on the right side of my body, visual changes, phantom smells, ringing in my ears, and biting my tongue/kicking my right leg during sleep. He did a three day ambulatory EEG, and then a week later, I had my appointment to debrief with him. I was not allowed to have any information about my test prior to this appointment, even though results were ready two days before. In the office, Dr. Klein told me that my results were normal and that there was absolutely nothing wrong with me. The muscles in my face were seizing right in front of him, but he proceeded to insist that I had no problem. I told him that there was certainly a problem, that my symptoms were incapacitating, and asked what I should do next to try to get better so that I could return to work. He repeated, like a broken record, "You don't need to do anything. Just go back to work. I'm happy to sign the clearance forms for your employer, no restrictions."
I was completely in shock. Did he mean that I was experiencing pseudoseizures? I had just seen a psychiatrist days before who did not believe that to be the case. Should I stop taking my migraine preventive? A previous doctor had suggested my symptoms could be an unusual type of migraine, and had started me on nortriptiline while I worked to rule out other potential causes. He said it was not epilepsy, and in his opinion, not migraines either. Just stress he said. Go ahead back to work. I left his office sobbing. I had spent every day of the past two months having incapacitating episodes of vision changes, light-headedness, seizing of muscles in the face, leg, and sometimes hand, and bouncing around from doctor to doctor desperate to find some relief only to be told by this man that there was no problem?? He was basically saying, "Cut the crap" as if I were faking my symptoms! I was so confused by his extremely irresponsible and cruel behavior that I got myself re-evaluated by a mental health professional. I am sane, my symptoms are real, and Dr. Klein has no business practicing medicine. I am still in the process of diagnosis and treatment, but no doctor I've spoken to since has had anything but disdain for his mishandling of my case. Stay away, and find a doctor who treats his patients with some respect.


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