
jax trax
Review of PLANgroep

4 years ago

Well where do I start ....

Well where do I start ....

I signed up for voluntary budget management through the municipality in my place of residence, to let myself be relieved of the burden.

Said you pay the bills from your own income.
However, they completely overlook certain accounts and / or send the money to you so that you can transfer it (why are you in budget management?)

Here a few more points:

- your allowances and income will be in their account 2 days later than when you would receive it
- then, the money that has to go to your living allowance account will only be received by you again 2 days later
A total delay of all: 4 days.
If there is a weekend in between, you will have had much more "bad luck"
- * in 50% of all cases, you do not receive living money at all because they forget to make it to you / want to stretch to see if there are other things that can be paid from their side / want to argue with you / come up with arguments as your account with Plangroep can never be 0.
- they do not adhere, I repeat, not to the agreements they have made with you.
If they agree with you on an amount of living money that they transfer to you, for example, this amount can often not even be correct because they decide to do other things with it and this is 100 percent the case when you receive a lower income for example, or no surcharges, then the mad work at Plangroep and going did not say I repeat, not, think along with you in what can then be best paid.
- there is simply no response at all, or super slow (days later and at least hours later) responded to emails.
Often you really have to have credit to call them with your questions or whatever because a different way just doesn't seem possible with them.
- the employees of Plangroep discuss with you on the telephone and also hang on your ear, when said have different ideas about how to spend your income than you. As described earlier in this list, thinking said totally not with you.

Well that was just about it
Oja one more thing:

- Plan group uses an electronic environment in which you can check at home on your mobile or behind your computer what has been said about your money and how much is still on your account with their
MAAARR .... This is NEVER but NEVER up to date.
What I want to say is: o, - or 500, - can suddenly get up while it is not at all because their own system says they are only up to date after 2 days ...
What kind of display system is that?

Well, all in all, it is better not to go there and arrange a payment arrangement on the phone with your creditor (s) or simply pay your own bill each month and OTHERWISE you really have to go to a private company with lots of good reviews to read about fall
And this is the SECOND company where they have tried to trick me.


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