Oliver Queen
Review of Riot Games

3 years ago

All the positive reviews on how great it's to work...

All the positive reviews on how great it's to work at Riot. Well, of course it's great, because Riot haven't done anything new or groundbreaking since the introduction of their game. It's just a money grab company now. As Riot says,"the hype is real," but unfortunately the substance isn't. Their casters try so hard to hype up a region, but contradicts themselves when asked about their supposed "hype" region during major tournaments. If you're going to lie, at least be consistent. League is not about the e-sport scene, but rather, e-ntertainment...if any at that. The teams are paid by Riot, and the events are hosted by Riot, the rules created by Riot...the players are just actors, not sportsmen. The events are just not even believable anymore. The viewership is down drastically; just look at the pics they posted of the viewers for Worlds, it's laughable, no one is watching. And they've done nothing to get rid of the toxic players in the game. As for their so called "pros," they're allowed to be as toxic as they want, with no repercussions, and instead are hyped even more. In fact, most of the casters for league are toxic themselves! "Reform?" If the prison system can't reform criminals, I doubt Riot can change the behavior of their toxic players. Toxic players spend money, and that's all Rito cares about. LoL is just about updating skins and introducing more "similar" champs, while ignoring any champion balance. It's just one "flavor of the month" meta to the next. Whatever sells skins and champs; with over 130+ champs but only 20 or so champs viable. Over 6 years and the game is still not balanced. It's funny how the founders said they created LoL because of other game developers' disconnect with their game community; yet, we see just how quickly money changes people, and now they're the ones ignoring the voices of their community. League is dying, and on its last leg. Rito have no one to blame but themselves, for their own greed.


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