Heaven Seeker

4 years ago

An institution that is built to take advantage of ...

An institution that is built to take advantage of immigrants and young people that are idealistic and don't know any better. Gained absolutely nothing by going to Rye High, and I would argue that the high school system is better because you don't pay 100's of dollars for a useless document, and the instructors care just 0.015% more about you as an individual and their student's success.

There is little to no communication initiated to allow a teacher-student relationship - the typical excuse of "I'm too busy and other B.S" is given., In fact ,they seem to get AGITATED when you ask them questions because you actually want to learn!!! They all know the game they're playing to abuse the trust given to them by their paying customers. It's truly disgraceful that these people call themselves educators but don't attempt AT ALL to prepare their students for success in the future. We, "the people" need to redefine what it means to be an educational institution by putting the SUCCESS of our students over maintaining each instructor's 200k + salary.

I do not want to mention names but I will say the Ryerson school of Health Services Management should be ashamed of the unengaging programs they run that are full of contempt towards students. They operate based on fear and intimidation by propagating that students should already "know" the content of their courses so that they don't need to actually teach their students anything. There is no continuity or connectivity between any of their courses, and how students can use their education to build successful careers.


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