Andrew Riddle

4 years ago

The theft that occurred at the Rio Sport and Healt...

The theft that occurred at the Rio Sport and Health under the guise of management was incredibly negligent and stupid. With too many managers on duty, and a staff the communicates strangely with one another, it became obvious that everyone there is in there own little world without a care to the proper handling of valuable that are lost then found again by housekeeping or other staff. In this case, it was housekeeping that found an expensive mobile phone with distinguishable markings. My investigation into this matter and a police report by the Montgomery Police leads to theft. Rather than following proper protocol for the securing of a valuable item into a safe in the back office, the housekeeper (name not mentioned) decided to leave it out in an area that was exposed to members and other staff. When he came back, the phone had been taken and to this day, there is no progress on locating the whereabouts of the phone. The negligent act of all those people, and there are many that either saw the phone or had their hands on it, they all did not follow company procedure in securing valuables found. This is disturbing. Everyone passed the buck on to someone else, and no one did the right thing. From management to housekeeping, they all are negligent and should take full blame for the theft of my phone. Crazy to have to end up this way. Just as their was hope, all hope vanished because of the incredibly stupid actions of a few.


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