3 years ago

UCSB is a spin master school and a subset of the l...

UCSB is a spin master school and a subset of the larger university of california,
whose graduates and leaders have done more to promote the complete and utter environmental ruination and undoing of what once was the most beautiful place: California. It has served to destroy freedom, civil rights, ethics and morality, replacing it with their handbook of policies that protect their personal business interests that seek to advantage a minuscule population at the expense of millions. They will try to take your life, number you, tell you what to do, where to do it, when you should do it. Track you, undermine you, spy on you, break into your housing units, and terrorize you. They will arrest you for skateboarding. Steal your bike if you don t lock it. Falsely accuse you of anything they want to if they feel like it.

University dining and housing is corrupt. This is what happens when unintelligent uncaring mean people are given power and position who don t believe in the rights of man, only in narrowly defined policies that undermine U.S. Constitutional law. Unlawful entry into dorm rooms and university apartments by staff is common. Intentional detonating of fire alarms in university buildings used to harass the population. Random unlawful searches. Over-billing practices-phone, barc accounts, dining accounts. Roving band of undercover employees narcs, spies, and watches. Executive leadership overpaid and incompetent. Lottery-style housing, financing, and life gives random success based on nothing but chance instead of work effort. Affirmative action policies giving high level supervisorial positions to unqualifieds, who use the positions and money to attempt to reverse educate and qualify themselves. An administration of me instead of service. Overfunded athletics. An unserious school that takes being absolutely incompetent seriously. Spend days and months disputing bills. Have your student account blocked.


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