3 years ago

The week ending July 12 my wife ordered tires for ...

The week ending July 12 my wife ordered tires for a 2015 Chrysler 200. The tires were to arrive on Wednesday and an appointment was made (so we thought) for 7 AM on Thursday morning. My wife called to confirm the appointment on Wednesday July 10 and learned there was no appointment but an appointment was made to install four tires. The appointment was for 7:45 July 11, 2019. She arrived near 7:30AM and was told the car would be ready near noon. She made arrangements for some time away from the dealership and returned at 10:30 AM, not expecting the car to be ready. She left again at 11:30 for a lunch appointment and returned near 1 PM and the car was not ready and she could see it being driven into the service area. She inquired about when the car will be ready and was regularly told, "30 more minutes". After a long ordeal she drove off the lot after 4 PM.

The backstory of this is we have used the McLarty Daniels Ford dealership for maintenance on two Ford automobiles and their service is timely and IF, by some weird chance, they cannot meet the time promised, phone calls are made well ahead of the time committed to advise of the delay. We were expecting similar quality of service. The quality of service at the Ford dealership is at such a higher standard you would never think they have a common ownership.

The service manager promised a survey for us to complete, it never arrived. The only benefit we received is a $100 credit against our purchase, but that wains poorly against the poor service. I wrote an email to the service manager explaining all the problems my wife experienced and there has not been follow up. If you are looking for a vehicle in NWA i would in no uncertain terms look somewhere beside this dealership, unless you love to subject yourself with frustrations associated with poor service.


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