ISee Orbs

3 years ago

Very disappointed. We've used this company before...

Very disappointed. We've used this company before purchasing our current home. The last inspection they did for us did not catch several gas leaks in the basement and garage of our current home.
***Adding to this..also did not catch a leaking skylight/mold in the attic from the leak.
We should have forgone the inspection and saved the money for these repairs! Very disappointed these issues were not caught in the report.
I had called back when we found out about the gas leaks getting missed, but no further response from the company.
*****Additional comments. The gas leak was both in the garage on the wall behind the gas meter/no shelving would have been there. In addition, inside the furnace there was another leak. Also discovered carpenter ant infestation/visible damage on shutters of the house.
*********Additional comments. We found a hole in the foundation under the porch directly leading in to the crawlspace. This was also missed during the inspection. Disappointing that the company has made no effort to offer any % of money back on the inspection.
If you have no recourse on major issues missed during the inspection, what is the point of paying for this service?


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