3 years ago

Took my iMac to AMDC, Alan is a nice guy and know...

Took my iMac to AMDC, Alan is a nice guy and knows what he's talking about. I dropped my computer off for a diagnostic due to kernel panic and the computer shutting down. The diagnosis was bad aftermarket RAM and a hard drive on it's way out. However my computer "worked" before I dropped it off. I decided not to have service done ($175), a new hard drive ($100) and new RAM ($100) on an old iMac. My issue is that when I got the computer home and replaced the RAM Memory with the OEM Apple version it would not turn on. I called and the first thing I heard was how they didn't make a dime off the diagnosis and that they gave me the list of problems. They were obviously able to get the computer on when they received it, didn't check to see if it operated as it did before I dropped it off... then leaving me with a problem when I got it home.

Their remedy after calling back was to take it somewhere else and best not to use them. I'm sure they are busy, don't have time to re-diagnose something for "free"... but i'm most annoyed about them not checking the computer functionality before giving it back to me and i'm worse off than I was before taking it there. Also would have helped rather than just handing me my free-service computer back to me, to actually show me the difference by either putting new RAM in the computer or something to convince me of the problem.

I also asked for a receipt of the service and the diagnosis of what was wrong with the computer when I got my computer back. Alan refused to give me a receipt documenting what was wrong and that he would only do so if I had PAID for the service. This worries me and shows that they wouldn't put the issues into writing. If you take a car to a mechanic, they diagnose what is wrong they would gladly put it in writing and give you a quote. This place would not do that which is common courtesy and normal business practice.

Would not go back... best bet is to get a new computer and deal with apple/microsoft directly under a warranty so I don't have to deal with 3rd party services.

I'm sure they do a great job if you pay for something to be fixed, that's how you stay in business. But wasn't thrilled with their for free diagnostic and how I received the computer.


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