Stuart Austin

3 years ago

Was with the church when it was in SeaTac. It was ...

Was with the church when it was in SeaTac. It was nice and I was working as security for them after being a valet. Then they started to get to big so they built the new church in Federal Way. I was called to do two years over seas in the Navy. They said they would miss me do to I was one of twelve that tythed the most there. When I came back,I had my job back and was well until they said they lost all my paperwork and lost my membership documents. I was there for five years before leaving. That was the last time I was there. Shook Casy's hand said church had lost one of it's sheep. To big to keep track of the flock. God want's all of his sheep taken care of. Can not do it if you are only focust on the ones that give generously and work for the church. The ones that just come for your owen reason for God, watch out, they will pick you out as not complying to there worship service prossess. They might turn you upside down and shake you until you give what you have to make them happy you gave. Nothing is free in a church that size, even if God still provides for who ask. Watch them.


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