Chelsie Decker

3 years ago



They tried adding thousands and thousands of added warranties onto our car deal and got caught in a lie. I told them we only wanted GAP Insurance. They told me the BANK had stipulations and required this specific warranty which in return would make our monthly payment go up over $50 a month. We simply did not want this warranty nor pay for it. When I asked who our lender was and asked if they could send me documentation from this lender that they are requiring this such thing they flat out told me they had no documentation to give. Then calls back and says It s actually not the bank requiring this it is us . If we wanted to do away with it they would need more money on the down payment. Mind you.. they even called the BANK to see if they could work out a better deal and calls back saying The bank is showing us some love and lowered it to such and such . They told us they are at a loss with the deal and needed more on the down payment. Watch for those added warranties and don t be afraid to ask for documentation! We did not take their deal and ran.


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