Blaine Smith

3 years ago

We have stayed at this hotel numerous times in the...

We have stayed at this hotel numerous times in the past but now we stay at a Private Villa still located in the complex.

On the 7th August 2018 we went to check on the car which we found had passenger window and rear window broken shattered everywhere and the car ransacked obviously broken into.
Naturally we went straight up to the hotel and asked for the manager. While we waited for the manager they supposedly rang and was on the way the staff really couldn't have cared less what had happened. No apology and if anything rude. Immediately stating they were not to blame, even though the car park has their name written all over it. After speaking to numerous members of staff we found out that the CCTV in their own words "sometimes works and sometimes doesn't". Not ideal for guests with expensive cars looking to park them securely.
But the worst was that they said they were aware the car had been broken into on the 2nd August, 5 days earlier and didn't bother to contact us! Said they rang the police but had no incident number etc. Only supplying us with a couple of photos someone had taken of the car with their phone which were useless as we can see the damage thats been done. Its the CCTV catching the culprits which is relevant.
Audrey was specifically rude, pretty much laughing in our faces when we quite rightly were rather upset at what had happened. Telling us we must speak one at a time like a school teacher standing over us. And after waiting 45 minutes eventually found out she hadn't even bothered to ring the manager. A security man telling us we should speak in french when we are in france. Not helpful at all.
When asked if this type of thing has happened before in the car park a clear answer couldn't be given while they were talking in french between themselves think we heard the security man say last week happened to a bmw.
Basically that happening to a car in a secure car park is unacceptable. The car then being left for that long in that state like its a piece of trash is even more unacceptable. And then the attitude and professionalism of the staff was one of the worst I have ever come across. And this should put anyone off staying at this hotel.
After coming here on family holidays for years and years if you're reading this I would pick either the garden beach hotel or the belles rives hotel both far superior, much better locations and generally nicer all round.


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