Irene Markoja

3 years ago

Whoever called university students indoctrinated l...

Whoever called university students indoctrinated left-libs must be a Trump supporter who lives in Crackton. (I say the same things about religious nuts, who are brainwashed, uneducated, low-information hicks who are stuck in the 1950s).

I can speak only about Ryerson's journalism program. Although it favors attractive rich kids with connections galore, the program itself is comprehensive and its courses complement one another. I learned quite a bit from my liberal studies curriculum, and I developed critical thinking skills that continue to be honed in mid-late adulthood.

As for my core studies, however, I felt out of place. My profs counseled me to quit the program because I lacked necessary social skills. I was bullied in small town Ontario and at my last college, so whatever social skills I had were either lost or never properly developed. A little compassion was necessary, I thought.

Although I was not the best student journalist, I did well in my compulsory courses.

I don't work in the communications industry. However, I have an edge over many of my hicktown high school peers: while they read the Toronto Sun, I can understand The New York Times. Their precious Fox and Friends gives me an ice cream headache; I'd rather watch a good documentary or Newshour on PBS. And I don't like simple solutions to complex problems.


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