Electra White

4 years ago

Letter of Dissatisfaction

Letter of Dissatisfaction
September 26th, 2018
Professional Management Inc.
Regional Director: Anna Alvarado
Re: Willful neglect of property and tenant furniture

It is with great disappointment that I share my dissatisfaction with Professional Management and namely, the company s Regional Director, Anna Alvarado. I reside in Park Place by the Bay where Professional Management, Inc. and Anna Alvarado has been tasked with managing and maintaining the subject property.
After residing a Park Place by the Bay for over three years, I would absolutely not recommend anyone to consider renewing their lease or residing in Park Place by the Bay as Anna Alvarado has been derelict at her duties as the Reginal Director and she also has a negative attitude towards the residents.
During the last hurricane, the building experienced major damages to the patio awnings to the point where they had to be replaced. My apartment patio awning was damaged and removed and despite my numerous requests for a replacement installation, it fell on deaf ears. All my very expensive Carl s Patio furniture were ruined due the extended exposure to the elements for almost twelve months. Being on a lower floor unit, I was also unable to utilize my patio for almost an entire year due to the absence of my awning and potential projectile hazards falling from higher floor units.
As a paying tenant who has never been late on paying rent and never had an issue until now, I paid rent for a patio that I could not use for almost a year and now I am being told by Anna Alvarado that my Carl s Patio furniture is considered used and holds no value.
I contacted Anna and explained my damaged furniture situation and I was met with attitude and a $500 token consideration for the months of inconvenience. The total ruin of all my Carl s Patio furniture was never a consideration. Anna Alvarado was of no assistance and she questioned the replacement cost of my Carl s Patio furniture. The increased vacancy of Park Place by the Bay has increased, and I am certain that the current mismanagement by Anna Alvarado and Professional Management has played a major role. I refused Anna Alvarez s $500 token inconvenience consideration, and to date, my Carl s Patio furniture replacement matter has not been addressed any further.
In all my years residing at Park Place by the Bay, and being a licensed property manager myself, I have never seen Management Services this poor. I would not recommend any of my clients or anyone for that matter, to ever seek residency with Park Place by the Bay until Anna Alvarado is replaced and Professional Management implement better resident relations and follow-up practices.
Very Disappointed Resident,


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