Miranda Sullivan

4 years ago

Please note that I currently work for this company...

Please note that I currently work for this company. I do not have feedback as to user experience with ITC; other than my interaction with our clients. During my interview (back in August) ITC was described to me as a 30 year old start-up. As a start-up consultant, both in NYC (through Google Ventures and Dreamit) and in Dallas, I can attest that this is actually quite true. If you are an ITC client and you need something like (adding a user, upgrading email storage, 'HELP my website is down!') and you call in, you actually get ME. I'm actually a human being. You don't hold for hours, more like minutes (if at all). Everything you need goes directly to one of us, and each account is literally priority as we're dealing with it. Since I have been here, which has ONLY been since August, I have seen multiple products COMPLETELY evolve due to client feedback. We develop everything internally and are always innovating. Company wide evolutions literally come from feedback by YOU. We do not have contracts (for normal accounts). We even have partnerships with our COMPETITORS so that our clients aren't boxed into using ITC technology exclusively. EG: you LOVE TurboRater (who doesn't, we have approx 20% of the national market) but you're comfortable in your long term relationship with your management system and don't want to switch to ours (which EVERYONE will when our new iteration goes live!); we have ongoing relationships with a bunch of competing Agency Management Systems so that you can create whatever hybrid of a system that works best with your individual process and preference. That's quite unusual in a for profit industry. And as far as a place to work, I can honestly say that this is the most supportive and empowering environment that I have ever worked in. There's a reason that the average tenure here is over 2 decades. Hope to see you at the next ITC family reunion!


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