Samir amanne

3 years ago

i am able to bring my help to the edmond group of ...

i am able to bring my help to the edmond group of rocthschild as advisor to a new spirit spectrum intellectually based on a union between my city colmar in alsace is that of the edmond group of rothschild as a philanthropic personality .my dream of always is to work with extraordinary personalities such as the rothschild family in a whole of rejuvenation and knowledge for the creation of an attracting research structure of any philanthropic personality of extraordinary personality institution is of ambassador lead by the edmond group of rothschild is the one of the liebherr family which is present in my city colmar this city and a youthful city but also that of the conditions more certainly soothing to think about the environmental innovation the fight against the pollution my also that of the strategies to to take for the rite of new energies such my wish for realization u no new magneto-gravitational wind whose name is young in homage to our planet which seems to me to change marked by the signs of growing disasters emanating from global warming .I also bring hope for the protection of species and the fight against pollutants. chemical in its globality plastic cigarette against also pollution y morality detrimental to the wisdom of higher consciousness these to say an awareness likely to change the behavior of nations into wisdom emanate a law worldwide based on the wisdom that was the time of king salomon this method of law will have a valid appellation of youth share the messianic seal is my dream and see a globalized currency sincerely bearing the messianic seal so that we can talk about a new era of industries a messianic investment so the recipes will be related to each products on rise by the messianic seal as being a certainty of superior guarantee .my dream and relive the historical history of King Solomon's governance because of his fully globalized wisdom .I also wish to work with jared kushner for the construction of the 3rd miraculated temple those temples will be symbolically constructed for a possible peace to hebron those temples will be able to shelter the ark of alliance as in the time of the king solomon actually I am a very person to consider to create a world peace and to make jerusalem the globalized capital as a messianic rite being related to the higher rite Saturnian such as the time of King David's dominion on earth by its power tied to the lords of all things the secrets of the tree of life will be growing more and more giving our planet a globalized wisdom thanks to the edmond spectra of rothschild's kindly lent me an intention related to messianic morality and my desire to work in my city the colmar in Alsace on several projects


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