4 years ago

We had to cancel reservation for a Birthday celebr...

We had to cancel reservation for a Birthday celebration as the "manager" stated that they do not need to comply with ADA (Americans With Disabilities Act) - Because they are a "private" company. I've got news them, business get sued everyday for violations for as minor things as wheel chair access. If someone has a protected disability don't come here because they will deny you on that basis entrance into their "Private Business". Or come and get denied and sue them for and get some money! No one is exempt from ADA Requirement! They need to get a lawyer! NICE RESPONSE. HOWEVER, MY WIFE TOLD YOU THAT TWO IN OUR PARTY COULD NOT WEAR MASKS. NOT THE ENTIRE PARTY. AND WERE DENIED ACCESS. AND WERE TOLD THAT YOU DO NOT NEED TO COMPLY WITH ADA REGULATIONS. YOUR CUSTOMERS SHOULD BE WARNED THAT MANAGEMENT AT YOUR ESTABLISHMENT BELIEVES THAT THE ADA DOES NOT NEED TO BE FOLLOWED IN PRIVATE BUSINESSES. IN FACT TWO IN OUR PARTY DO HAVE DOCTORS ORDERS TO NOT WEAR MASKS - BUT MEDICAL CONDITIONS ARE PRIVATE BETWEEN DOCTOR AND PATIENT NOT NECESSARY TO BE SHARE BETWEEN PATIENT AND DINNER THEATER. IN FACT AT THE DOCTORS OFFICE YESTERDAY WE SAY AN ELDERLY MAN WEARING A MASK THAT WAS TOLD HE HAD TO WEAR A MASK THAT KEPT TRYING TO LIFT UP HIS MASK TO BREATH AND PUT IT BACK ON UNTIL AN AMBULANCE WAS CALLED TO TAKE HIM TO THE ER... THIS IS A GUY THAT COULDN'T BREATH BECAUSE HE HAD A MASK ON AND IT AGGRAVATED AN UNDERLYING CONDITION THAT THE DOCTORS OFFICE WORSENED BY REQUIRING HIM TO WEAR A MASK. ONE MORE PATIENT FOR THE ER AND PROBABLY A 10,000 MEDICAL BILL FOR THE GUY OR MEDICARE. BUT NOBODY CARES ABOUT THE ACTUAL SICK PEOPLE. GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR BUSINESS PRACTICES OF BLOWING OFF FEDERAL LAW FOR ORLANDO LAW. WHICH BY THE WAY EXCLUDES: :"exemptions include ... people whom a face covering would cause impairment due to an existing health condition". WHICH YOU HAVE VIOLATED EVEN ORLANDO LAW. I will not be replying again as Sleuths Mystery Dinner Theater is not worth responding to, nor do we wish to do business with you.


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