Review of Belle Air

4 years ago

I have never experienced such a worsens service as...

I have never experienced such a worsens service as the one at this airport! It was early morning, 3:00-3:30 AM of January 20, 2020. The flight of 4:20am with Austria Airlines was cancelled because of weather conditions. This is ok, it happens, but what I do not really get is how do they rebooked my ticked, but not my son ticked. So, as from them, I should travel with Lufthansa at 10:00 am if that morning, but my son couldn t because he didn t figure in the list. Sorry, but looks ridiculous! . As a result, I had no choose but to cancel my ticked and look for an option where both of us could fly in the same plane (or planes - because our trip was to USA)
Second, when I was trying to get info about the new fly, the personnel at the call center, was so unprofessional. First she arranged the ticked only for my son, but not for me. I didn t know this, until the other person next to her let me know. I got shocked! I was ready to leave with only my son s ticket for the next day. When I said to her if you do not have options let me talk with someone else, she raised her voice saying more than one time, Are you threatening me? - go, your time is out, I have to take care for other passengers! My time was out?!
Maybe she was right because I was the second person on the line, waiting there until she finished arranging people she knew (taking money from them and putting in her pocket. Really, anyone can tell me what reason a call center personnel has to put in her pocket money from a passenger? Or, let me bring another situation that I noticed while I was on the line. Someone came and she, in a friendly smiley manner, said to him, oh, Here you are, but do you know that your flight is cancelled. SO, I figured out that the person did not know yet that he flight was cancelled. He came right 40 minutes before the flight to do his check in. Of course because he knew someone there who would take care for his ticked. Then she gave him the ticked by saying your flight is today at 10:00am. Literally, he was taking my ticked that I cancelled because I didn t have my son on the first list they rebooked).
ANOTHER thing, Believe it or no, she didn t print my ticked. I had only my son ticked in my hand. With that I was capable to check time and flight details online while waiting in the hotel. This was really rude! I don t know her name because she didn t have her badge on, but I hope her managers will figure out who was this person in that early foggy morning working at the call center in the Tirana Airport.
Lastly, I really did not want to write a bad review for my country airport, but things need to change. Without our reviews things are never gonna change in that country. Hope the manager s Team will count people s reviews and take action to improve their service. Thank you for patient to read this long review


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