Sadie Norlin

3 years ago

I have lived in a Hornig apartment for three years...

I have lived in a Hornig apartment for three years. In that time, my toilet overflowed flooding my floor with poop water, three times due to the horrible plumbing they refuse to fix.
I had a leaking pipe in my wall which flooded my kitchen floor and caused the maintenance people to come over and cut four, square foot holes in my kitchen and bathroom walls looking for the leak. When they found it, they put a temporary patch on it, and then said they'd be back in a few weeks after it dried out to actually fix it and patch the walls. That was a year ago, and they have not been back despite my MANY calls. But the fearless mice have sure found that these holes allow for perfect access to scamper around the whole place leaving evidence of their presence wherever they go.

I have not had any sort of adequate heating in the living room since I moved in. The warmest it got in the winter was about 55 degrees; and when it was really cold, I was forced to run two electric radiators AFTER putting plastic over the windows and it was still too cold in there to not wear my coat. I was told, every time I called, that, "there's nothing we can do, the boiler is at capacity," while my neighbor's apartment was tropical and I was freezing.

There is water damage all through the walls in the bedroom, which has caused water to pool on the carpet numerous times. Their "fix" for this was just draining the water and then covering up the plaster damage with masses of patching.

There is steel wool stuffed into every open crevice; apparently their attempt to keep the mice out.

I was told by maintenance, that the reason there is a new floor in the living room area is because the flooding got so bad some years ago that they had to replace it, yet the three instances of poop water seeping into the tile and warping it in the kitchen and hallway have apparently not called for their replacement.

Last time they came to "fix" a plumbing issue, someone knocked a tile next to the toilet loose, and beneath it was just solid, damp, black, mold which stretches all the way under the tub.

I had to wait a whole year for someone to come "fix" water damage done to the plaster and paint on the ceiling after an upstairs neighbor installed her AC incorrectly. When they finally came, they just sort of patched it up, but it looks just as bad as it did before they came.

There's mold on the living room walls in the corners just growing there on its own.

All of those maintenance issues I reported over and over and over since I moved in. I contacted Jon Benedict and Kevin Mulligan (who are higher ups in the company), and still nothing was done. Lots of words, no action.
A few months ago they sent out a notice that they would be upping the rent by $25 a month, and that was when I realized I had to get out of there.

In addition, the caretaker of my building is pretty...intense. On numerous occasions he left me these passive aggressive (or just down right aggressive) notes accusing me of things I didn't do, and is all up in everyone's business all the time. Also, dude sprays the hallways down with two bottle of Febreze twice a week since they can't seem to get rid of the water damage/rot smell that lingers due to their negligence. I requested this not be done since I have lung damage and asthma, and walking into a cloud of Febreze immediately closes my airways, but this was also ignored.

And now that I gave notice of my move, they gave me a list of things I have to do to get my deposit back. It is TOTALLY unreasonable and some of the things are impossible considering the state and age of the property.


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