3 years ago

Ok this is one of, NYC finest and most professiona...

Ok this is one of, NYC finest and most professional agency, so there for its great! and in reality they represent MODELS who are beautiful and professional and can book there work! Of course they wont be interested if your not model type! looks, sizes! Yeah sorry to break it to you but, there not going to sign you because its your dream to model! This is business at the end of the day! not a non profit organization! This is the real world, honey! And seeing that you left bad reviews for half of New York agencies, tells me your a hectic person who is hard headed and believes they have what it takes to model! But in reality you don't! because no agency will sign you! believe me Amy, not trying to be rude! but if all these agencies had no interest in you! then you can see why! Good luck and find another Career or hobby! :)


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