4 years ago

The 7-11 account here is a miserable experience. T...

The 7-11 account here is a miserable experience. The management will lie to you about what you do, your schedules, anything to get you in the door. Also, if you are a contractor, they can fire you on a whim.

The management also has very entitled/hypocritical behavior, constantly doing things that they don't allow the general agents to do, and then yelling at agents if they ever do something similar.

IE - reading a news article while you wait for a call, or coming back 1 minute late from a break. ALL of the higher teir agents and managers watch videos, read the web, etc, and at least one manager takes many extra breaks, but if a regular agent does anything, you will get yelled at.

The scheduling is a joke. I was hired on for one schedule, and then 2 days later told if I didn't take this other (much worse) schedule then I'd have to leave. I also saw brand new hires getting schedules that people that had been there for more than 1 year had requested. Totally screwing over existing agents because the management doesn't like them.

The list goes on and on of how terrible the management at this place is.

DO NOT work for them.


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