
4 years ago

About five years ago, I was a student here, then l...

About five years ago, I was a student here, then left after my 3rd grade. This school was amazing to be honest. Here at this school I was taught how to write in cursive effectively. Not only that, there was Spanish class, which taught me some basic Spanish words and numbers, plus the feature to watch a show in Spanish, which was quite entertaining. Computer class was fun too when I was in Kindergarten and 1st grade. The teachers were amazing here, and the some of the lunch monitors were nice to me that they would sometimes talk to me about things we had in common. I liked this school and its lessons that were taught to me, the only problem is the people around me. I noticed that the thought of community wasn't really in use here at this school. It was hard for me to make friends during my years. I couldn't even make friends in my own class, because of a group of boys who you could become friends with if you were skilled in Basketball. Second, some of the teachers seem to be a problem. When I was in Kindergarten, my little toy soccer ball got taken away from a second grade teacher even when I wasn't playing with it. The Kindergarten and 1st grade teachers were nice during my years, but when I got to 2nd and 3rd grade, I wasn't satisfied. I got blamed for not having my spelling list complete by my second grade teacher the day after Halloween. Hey, it wasn't my fault that I wasn't given the list in the first place. Finally my 3rd grade year, the moment when I was taught how to write in cursive. It really did help me in the long run, but there was this project where the class had to wear these "necklace card" things that would say some awkward sentence, then other students had to question about it. In this case, my 3rd teacher told the class "to not play Basketball" (emphasis on quoted text). So, during recess, I didn't play Basketball while I had the card necklaces on, but I simply played catch with another classmate. After recess, the class was scolded for not obeying the teacher. If I can recall, my 3rd grade teacher said to the class, "When I say don't play Basketball, I mean don't play any activities that involve ball. Use your common sense!" My response to that is, you never taught us common sense in the first place, I mean after all, we are a new generation of children, so teach us common sense, not expect us to know it. Overall, this school was fascinating because of the all the activities and opportunities here. However, this school needs to utilize the thought of community, so students can become friends easier, and teachers who are strict (like the teachers I had for 2nd and 3rd grade), please, don't go off and punish students without a truly valid reason, because I was punished multiple times where I wasn't even at fault. Well, I hope you understand why I wrote this, because I had so many thoughts and memories that I just couldn't take my mind off.


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