Signor Klingon

4 years ago

I graduated in medicine in this excellent universi...

I graduated in medicine in this excellent university. It should not be located in a street named after a horrible integralist priest who in Florence burned books, paintings and anything else he deemed profane in the square, like an Taliban antelitteram. I propose the name of ALBERT SABIN, the virologist of Polish origin naturalized in the United States, discoverer of the oral polio vaccine and who also renounced the proceeds of the patent that would have made him a billionaire, giving it to all the children of the world. Many of us, even ignorant men of culture, would be crippled in one leg as well as in the brain, without SABIN. It should be emphasized that the nobel prize was not awarded to him (let's call it the IKEA prize, because nobel would be ashamed of you)


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