4 years ago

The list is too long to explain all that has happe...

The list is too long to explain all that has happened. Started in 1993 when a doctor performed a surgery the scalpel "slipped" and cut 2 nerves in my stomach. After 3 years of pain I went to Eisenhower where another surgeon told me 2 nerves had been cut, causing the problems. The hospital kept it a secret. Found out later the doctor was sued by 3 people, license taken and he moved to Las Vegas! 27 years of daily pain. Send home twice with bad infection, a pneumonia, several times with blood clots. In 2015 after a bad fall, fracture of knee, and face etc and nobody in the ER payed attention. 2 weeks later I thought my life was over, could not breathe. To the ER who sent me home. 2 days later back again.... oops the doctor did not check the previous 2 days, that I was walking around with a very large pulmonary saddle embolism. It's a miracle I did not die. Russian doctor came in my room to discharge me, did not check I was in the hospital for embolism. This is a very small part of the list!! One thing is for sure, they are good in sweeping things under the rug. I live in agony every day! I have nothing good to say.


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