Jack James

4 years ago

Discusting nurses in the emergency room. Very dry ...

Discusting nurses in the emergency room. Very dry and abrasive and definitely aren't the most knowledgeable. I went in because my imbecile Dr wrote me a prescription for my Cluster headaches and gave me 6 doses for a month and each dose is for 1 headache when meanwhile during a cluster period I can have anywhere from 3 -6 headaches per day. Anyways when I went into the E.R wich I really didnt want to do but i had to work in the morning and knew I would need some form of relief because I could feel a cluster coming on. The Nurse had no clue what I was talking about, I kept telling her that I have Cluster headaches and she kept saying "oh so you came here for just a headache" very dismissive basically saying I shouldn't have come in for just a stupid old headache by her tone, If she had any knowledge of the field then she would know that Clusters are the equivalent in pain to a woman having a baby or a man peeing out a watermelon and theyre about 20 times more painful than a Migrane. I wouldn't wish these on my worst enemy. I just want that rude nurse to pick up her phone and Google Cluster headaches AKA Suicide Headaches before she passes judgement on somone, I ended up just getting up while they were taking my blood pressure and leaving because I knew once the cluster came on strong I wouldn't be able to handle being in there with these incompetent nurses so I left and sat in my car for 45 minutes banging my head on the steering wheel for relief. Just wanted to thank you for such an amazing experience. It's a shame the way the medical industry creates monopolies for hospitals, if this place had any competition within the area it would no longer be around I can guarantee you that, but because of the monopoly hospitals have on areas they will continue to give sub par service and get away with it. Some advice for the nurses, if your not passionate about being a nurse and 100 % in it to help people then you should resign immediately. Being a good nurse takes a special type of person and if your not that person then don't bother because people life's are in your hands.


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