Keith Bluto

4 years ago



My Fiancee and I adopted a 2 year old cat and from the moment we got him he started sneezing. We didn't think too much of it maybe allergy's but over the next few days we kept an eye on this and it got worse. So, we called NECCOG and asked if they would look at him because we felt he was given to us sick already (the woman at the animal shelter told us that the other cats all had upper respiratory issues). They would take him back, treat him but not give him back to us. We also had another cat that we where adopting from them and waiting on him to get better. He was suppose to be better wednesday. Now all of a sudden we can't take him either. This place stunk of feces and urine very VERY bad. No wonder the animals are sick. I would not recommend this place to anyone. These animals deserve better! We are getting our cat the proper care it needs and would not give this cat back to these people. If you want sick cats/dogs then this is your place.



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